


Unlike an actual encyclopedia, a lexipedia does not house a surplus of all-encompassing information.  A lexipedia solely pertains to information about a “Lex.”  This person might be an Alexis, Alex, Lexie, etc.  The term was originally coined on the television show Grey’s Anatomy.

Hello!  Welcome to my blog.

My name is Alexis, satisfying the “Lex” requirement mentioned in the very official definition above.  The purpose of the definition was to explain my blog title, but I’ve come to realize it also hints at other aspects of myself and my blog.  Firstly, Grey’s Anatomy is just one example of the way I love to spend my time:  television, movies, and books.  Secondly, and more importantly as far as this blog is concerned, I enjoy writing and (attempts at) making people laugh.

This second aspect is more useful in relation to the reason I created this blog:  to use it as a portfolio for my promotional writing classes.  I’m sure I will find ways to make pop culture references and jokes that will either hit or miss, but the focus of the blog will be using and improving my writing skills in this promotional writing foray.

I feel the need to address the picture below.  When I initially published this page, I didn’t add any pictures and it seemed a little empty to me.  Going back and deciding what picture to add, I realized that the most fitting picture for an “about me” was an actual picture of, you guessed it, me!  Looking at it now, I have the slight delusion that this is the “about the author” section of a book jacket.  One can always dream of a book jacket bio.


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